Language Arts
Our middle school students study integrated language arts courses in which they:
- Read and respond to literature--both fiction and nonfiction
- Experience all stages of the writing process:
rough draft
final draft
- Prepare and make oral presentations
- Learn and practice research skills
- Develop basic grammar/writing/spelling skills
- Work on developing vocabulary
Honors Language Arts is offered to 7th and 8th grade students:
FAQ’s about Honors Language Arts:
Q: Which grade levels offer Honors Language Arts?
7th and 8th grade.
Q: How does a student get enrolled into Honors Language Arts?
Enrollment is voluntary, though there is criteria that needs to be met to be considered.
Q: What is the enrollment criteria?
To be considered for placement into an Honors Language Arts class, a student must have an overall grade of at least a “B” in his/her previous Language Arts class and have scored at least a 3 on the Language Arts section of the student’s most current SBAC exam.
Q: How does TBMS fill a class if there are more volunteers than spaces available?
If there are more volunteers than spaces available in the Honors Language Arts classes, we will defer to the most recent SBAC scores. As long as the students have met the grade criteria, we will enroll the students with the highest SBAC scores. We will use the most recent IReady scores/grades if we need to break a tie.